
Your Comments

I can't tell you how much it means to me to get an email alert that we've received another comment on the blog. Just so you know we do in fact read everyone - because we receive them in our email as they're posted. Even the littlest "Hi" gives me a feeling that you're all out there, keeping up with Max, and that there is love and caring all over the place for our boy, even when we don't talk to ya'all all the time. Really, it's wonderful, heart-warming, and somehow strengthening.

Thank you.

Now if I could just find a few minutes to write a good post!


Anonymous said...

I don't always leave comments but I check to see if you've updated daily.... ok, several times a day!!! I'm really pulling for your little guy and think about you guys all the time and how you are doing!!

I didn't know how to even respond to your last post.. I was excited to see the decrease.. but like so many, just wanted to pass right on by the others!!!!

I'm praying that this treatment starts to show even more decrease and not so much of the other!!

with love and prayers!!

rhonda dudley


Shannon Kilstrom Photography said...

I too wanted to leave a comment to let you know that I check this blog as well as the Mashed Potatoes blog daily for updates on sweet little Max. Your son's story has touched my life in ways that my words cannot express. Thank you so much for sharing his story with us. I think of him often and give my own children extra hugs, kisses and "I love yous" when he is on my mind. I continue to pray for Max and for your entire family.

Emma said...

Both this site and Mashed Potatoes are in my feed reader so I don't miss one of your posts about your special boy. Thanks for writing.

Shannon B. said...

Know we are checking in and thinking about y'all everyday.
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us up to date on Max through the website. We check it almost daily just to see how everyone is doing. Thank you for sharing. It is a constant reminder of life, hope, and love. Truly inspirational!

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

What a fitting first post to comment on? I just discovered Max's blog through Deb's photoblog. I plan on subscribing and keeping up to date with Max and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...

Thank you for sharing your story.


Anonymous said...

We are praying for your precious little boy everyday. I learned of Max through Paul Saxon's site, and I continue to check on you daily. Keep up the fight, and know that you are loved and prayed for by so many.

Anonymous said...

I am in Dallas Tx, and not even sure how I got to your blog, I have a child with an immune disorder and pray for many children with Cancer through their blogs. I am amazed and inpired through your blog. I check daily and pray daily for Max and your entire family. I especially love your posts on your complaining site. I could copy the whole thing to put on my blog as well. Having a child with a chronic disease somehow bonds us all together. Seeing that we live in such a broken world is hard and even harder when it is our children who are suffering. Know that people as far away as Dallas are praying for you daily and checking on Precious Max. Thank you for sharing your family with ours. shoemakefam.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I'm generally speechless here, but I do check in several times a week, and I do think of your family often, and I do speak of Max to others, and I do ask for good thoughts, prayers, whatever, and I do, on occasion, cry at the poignancy, tenderness and vulnerability I find on this site, and I do deeply hope that wishing your son well will make it so.



Anonymous said...

I also check your site daily to see how you all are doing - I loved the Star Wars post AND I loved, loved, loved the Indiana Jones b-day party. I go all out on birthdays (not so much now that my kids are getting older and much "too cool" for that) but your invite, etc. was the best I've seen.

Have you posted a picture of Naboo yet?

Praying in Alaska! L

Anonymous said...

I am also one that has never posted a comment but I have been keeping your family in my prayers for sometime now...I was introduced to Max's site from Will Lacey. Please know that I pray daily for the strength needed for your family and Max to fight NB. Not only do I pray for your family and others but I find so much wisdom and strength from the children...I am teaching my kids to live life to the Max!! Take care and God Bless each of you.

Jenbuster said...

I'm glad to hear that our comments help. I'm so horrible and commenting because I think that half the time it ends up sounding stupid or vapid or shallow, but please do know that we are out here in the ethernet hoping and praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

As always, I am in awe of your strength and the beauty of your family. I LOVED the Powerhouse Park photos. Thanks so much for sharing them. My favorite is the one where Max is talking with Deb's son. You can tell he has something important to say!

Zeynep said...

Delurking to say "hi" - all the way from Istanbul, Turkey. Our thoughts are with Max & your whole family.

Talita said...

Hey you all, Debs, new pics of Max are ausome... I was happy to see the positive scans, and Max, never leaves my prayrs!! Hes a beautiful boy and has a smile thar melts my heart! Lots of Love from Brasil

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to add from here in Boston that I too have been following your blog and Deb's for a little while now. I learned of your journey from Will's blog. I am inspired and amazed over and over again by your strength and inner beauty. Your journey makes me stop, think and realize how anyone's world can be turned upside down at any moment in time. You have opened my eyes to how precious every minute of every day is and that has made me a better person and a better mother. I think of your "What is Heaven?" entry all the time and my heart melts. Thank you for sharing this raw and unimagineable journey with us. My thoughts are with Max and your family. Go Magic Water!!

wanderingbella said...

Another lurker delurking - I found Max by way of teamsam.com (I know Margot through work...). All the NB kids (esp. Max and Sam) give me such perspective and courage - to watch the way they handle what life throws at them - it's a lesson every one of us needs on how we should live each day to the fullest. Anyway, just another blog reader letting you know that while I've never met your family or Max, he's got another fan and supporter. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of love and praying for your strength...you are NEVER far from my thoughts...xolisa

Anonymous said...

Melissa, Greg and I don't leave comments, but know that we read your site every couple of days...you are often in our thoughts. Mashed Potatoes is wonderful...


Anonymous said...

I too go to Max's site multiple times a day. The photos of Andy and Max brought me to tears..such a special bond and moment between father and son! Priceless!! Max's smile still lights up the screen...All of you are in my thoughts, and prayers...more than you'll ever know. Your family displays such courage and love..be proud. xo Linny

Anonymous said...

It was neat to read the messages tonight & realize I'm not the only one who literally checks your site almost every single day & often many times a day. Each time, I'm hoping there will be some miraculous news about Max and his recovery. You are in my thoughts & prayers daily, and the beautiful photographs of Max and your family make my day. Your family is such an inspiration...
Love, Tifani

Anonymous said...


You and Dad are a powerful image in Black and White!

Your are my Hero!!!


Randee said...

As I have read the posts over the past couple of days I realized how many of us are here from so many places (even around the world)praying and pulling for Max. Max and his family have given us a valuable gift--the gift to live each day--to see what I can and do it--to love and appreciate with more intensity those we love and to reach out to others. I believe we come back often to get another shot of the "live life to the Max" inspiration and know that giving up is not an option--moving forward with determination is. Thank you God for this most miraculous gift!!!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog all the time to see how you are doing - and your post inspires me to be better mom.
Whenever I find pics of Hannah, I show them to my girls. They loved the recent video clip of her with Starwars. She has grown up so beautifully. Please send her a big hug from us. Love to all of you:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mikulaks-
Don't worry about posting- your only obligation is to your family. I love seeing the pictures of Max- it warms my heart everytime I see new ones. It is so apparent how much love is in your family and how secure your kids are with that love. Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you a lot - I wish we could send you more than good vibes and thoughts of strength and toughness. I know you get all yours from Max. You are wonderful parents to your children.
Carrie P

Anonymous said...

Its been killing me that I haven't been able to check this site 4 times a day like I usually do!! I may be far away but my prayers continue to be for healing and strength to get through each day...each minute.
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Andy/Melissa - we check the site constantly but will start commenting more so you know we're "out here" thinking of your boy. If we can do anything, let us know asap --- Neil.

Deqlan said...

Just saying HI and letting you know Max remans in our prayers each and every single day - what a beautiful boy. I love Debs new photos of getting Dads hands and arms wrapped around Max just right..God Bless , prayers and hugs
Samm mom to Deqlan

Anonymous said...

Always check in on Max but usually do not leave a comment. I will improve on that. He is an inspiration to a lot of folks. His strength is overwhelming and his smile melts hearts.

Anonymous said...

Just returned from my summer trip, checked Max's site everyday while on vacation! I don't go a day without checking in on you all!! The pictures are so fantastic too! Even without commenting, I am always thinking of you, and praying for you, and NEVER giving up!! Looking forward to seeing you all at school.......Smiles....Ms. Weitz

Anonymous said...

I check your site every day and I keep praying for Max and your beautiful family. The pictures and commentary of him are so touching- I feel like I have come to know and love your family. Stay strong and know that there are so many people who care.

Anonymous said...

Hi, We check you site and read because it makes feel closer to Max and all of you.Most of the times we just read to join you as we join you always in our prayers for Max recovery. By the way, do you think he knows that Naboo's lizard was most probably a present. That's how kittens say I love you, bringing little presents that they caught.
Love and Blessings, The Aguilars.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,

I just read your comment from July 27th about how much it means to you to receive comments here. So I just wanted to leave a message, and let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Max is a very special boy to have been blessed with an awesome family. Always remember that you guys are not alone in this battle.


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