I have to say that his favorite visits have been by his teacher, Mrs. Sturt (sorry to hurt any feelings, but you'll read why). Mrs. Sturt (Lisa) brought cards from his classmates one day that said how much they missed him and had great pictures drawn on them. Today she brought an envelope full of painted fish from his friends in class, the PRINCIPAL!, and the ladies in the front office. We hung the cards on the wall and the fish from the ceiling. The room looks great!
Yesterday morning and several times today Max got a little melancholy looking and said how much he wished he were at school with all his friends. "I miss school, mom. I wish I could see my friends." It just makes my heart ache. I didn't even remind him that he had a Boy Scout Pack meeting tonight - the Pack is starting to paint their boats for the Raingutter Regatta. Max will get to paint his in his room at the hospital.
Max is feeling okay and most of the time his spirits are good. He's been nauseous, tired and certainly doesn't leave the bed, but he's not tired enough to nap much during the day so the stream of visitors has been wonderful.
When will Max be able to come home? I don't know. I can safely say that he'll be inpatient through Saturday. If his cbc's continue to be high and his fever stays low, he could be a candidate for home IV antibiotics. It would be great to be home for the weekend.
Max having a great time at school.
Tell Max we are rooting for him to get home soon!!! I am sure all of his friends wish he were at school to play with them.
It sounds like his room is a lot more fun looking now; I can't wait to see all the fish hanging from the ceiling--I bet is seems like you are in a sea aquariam!!
Know my thoughts and prayers are always with you!!
Believe in Miracles! Love Annee Ranee
Just wanted to let you guys know I was thinking of you all!!!
Saying my prayers that Max will be able to come home this week end and be with his pals at school very soon. Know he loved all those fish! xo Linny
Dear Max, We miss you! We hope you feel better! We want you to come back!!!! From ALL your FRIENDS in Room 23
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