I'm sure this photo is disturbing. Exactly why I posted it.
Last Saturday, Deb Schwedhelm started capturing Max's fight for his life through her wonderful photography. Her work will be showcased on a new website yet-to-be-announced. The purpose is to provide a narrative through pictures that captures the essense of what Max is experiencing.
Friday was Day 3 - where Deb joined me and Max at his 7am radiation appointment.
The new website showcasing Deb's work on Max will be live very soon.
A picture of thousand words, indeed. "A fight against cancer" is used so often that it sometimes becomes such detached words, we forget everything that goes with the word "fight".
I'm sure it is not easy for you as a parent to have these pictures taken. But it is a great statement of what goes behind those beautiful, other pictures that Deb took.
In a sense, I guess she is doing what all those war photo-journalist did in the war zone. In all the battle zones, regardless whether it is at the front line of real war or of the battle against cancer, these are the soldiers with their pain along with the emotional pain felt by many more who are attached to those soldiers. I look forward to the new website. Shiho
Deb's photo took my breath away....Sam is SO brave to endure what he does on a daily basis. The photos and website will bring a new awareness to those who do not walk in your shoes.
Often, I think of Sam and can almost hear singing the Ring of Fire song that you posted awhile back...it melts my heart.
Don't ever give up and keep thinking and believing with all of your being that he can and will beat this...the cure all begins with one person.
Plymouth, MA
Gooooooooooooooo! MAX!
Take everything and give it nothing!
Max you are my Hero!
Deb you rock the ring of fire.
Max is amazing...radiation in the morning, then school, then chemo! Absolutely amazing!
When he took his cap off yesterday and I saw the radiologist's Sharpie marks on his head, I felt like someone had hit me with a 2x4 in my gut. I had to have a little talk with myself. I've seen him marked up before for radiation; what was I expecting??? It's perfectly natural. NO, it's not. It's only natural for a 6 year old to have Sharpie marks on his head when he, feeling some creative license and bound to get in trouble, puts the marks there himself.
I pray that the current plan will be effective and that the radiologists will never have a need to wield their pens and gamma rays (or whatever they use) and the only future "body art" on Max will be of his own choosing with his favored medium of chalk and water (or something else water soluable until he's 18). :)
This in deed is not and easy picture, but it speaks by itself. Max is really a hero to all of Us. A brave little person we admire a lot and keep in our daily prayers.
God Bless,
The Aguilars.
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