
Chemo IX & "Miracles for Max" start TODAY!

Took Max to clinic this morning with a full agenda:
  • Get CBCs taken asap
  • Start pre-hydration in case his CBCs are good enough for chemo to start
  • Get doctor check done asap
  • Get Max back to school asap for Hannah & Max Day and Miracles for Max fundraiser kick-off day
  • Pick-up Max at noon and head back to clinic for chemo

All of these things happened just as I had hoped with the help of the awesome nurses at the hospital. They were happy that Max was having a special day at school and wanted to help get him there as soon as possible so he could enjoy part of it. Max was in school at 9:45! Nice work! I already received the call that his CBCs are great and chemo can start today as scheduled. I'll pick Max up at noon and head back down to clinic for a late start. He should be finished up around 6:30-7:00 tonight. Well worth it though!

The Miracles for Max fundraiser starts today, too. Ms. Weitz, Max's kindregarten teacher, has put together a wonderful fundraiser through-out our school and community to help raise awareness and much needed money to fund NB research. The fundraiser will run from today through June 8th at Max's school with all proceeds going to the Magic Water Project. Thank you, Ms. Weitz!


Anonymous said...

Hi Max,
I hope you feel better. I really liked your pictures in Big Bear. I loved the one of the army tank. I'll see you at school.
Lukey Evans

Anonymous said...

I am soooo glad that Max was able to be at school for a while so he could "enjoy" being the guest of honor!! "Miracles for Max" is off to a super start. Best of all is that TONS of good wishes, prayers, and love are being sent in his direction.
=) Ms. Weitz

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