— Epicurus, (c. 341-c. 270 BC), Athenian philosopher, taught about atoms, serenity, freedom from pain.
Melissa and I are so disappointed. Max's catecholamine's continue to climb. Monday's numbers were VMA 146, HVA 99. The really adventurous can click on this link: Latest lab results.
We're trying to focus on the positive but realize that we're losing the battle against his neuroblastoma and need to take a chance and try something totally different (read: untested) in hopes it works.

This week, we scrambled to set-up some amazing experiences for Max. On July 12, we will be holding a Jedi Training Academy event in our backyard with the San Diego Star Wars Society. Basically, our goal is to invite Max's Cub Scout den over for a summer den meeting. While den leader Steve teaches them about knots, a knock on the door will be heard, and (one/two) Jedi Knights will come in and announce that Lord Vader has been seen in the neighborhood, and the Jedi need Den 6's help to fight the dark lord and his gang of stormtroopers. After some rudimentary training, Darth and his friends (maybe Boba Fett too) will find the Jedi and their padawan, and a fight will ensue. This is similar to the production that takes place at Disneyland several times per day, and it is sure to be one of the most amazing experiences for Max and his buddy. Shhhhhhh.... Max and the other kids don't know, so don't spoil the secret.
Later in July, I've lined up for Max to visit with Stephen Silver at Comic Con which is held every year in San Diego. Stephen designed the characters for Disney Channel's Kim Possible, Danny Phantom, and other shows, and is an amazing artist and good guy all-around. Hopefully I can convince Stephen to draw Max a King Komodo which is a komodo dragon character from one of Stephen's concepts and Max's fav.
Hi, I can't wait to hear all about the party. I love the invite! God Bless you all and I hope it is the best bday party ever. Happy Birthday to Max from the Hanson kids.
Scott A., Kathleen, Sean and Heather.
Mommy too!
Luke is looking forward to celebrating #7 with Max, and we will continue to hope and pray for a miracle. Love, Holly
Dear Max,
Wishes too Many to Count
For Happiness
too Great to Measure.
Big Number SEVEN -- WOW!!!!!!!
Prayers, Hugs, and Love, Susan
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
United States
My eyes are full of tears..my heart broken..my faith shaken..but the strength is still there to pray and pray for a miracle for Max! His 7th birthday will be the best ever!! Happy Birthday Max!! ENJOY!! xo Linny
We are praying for ya'll here in Ga. We check on Max all the time, and love the Mashed Potatoes. I hope you don't mind, we put a link on Ryan's site. It sounds like you have some fun parties planned. Ryan would absolutely love both, especially the Star Wars. I hope your new plan kicks in and does the trick for Max. Peace, The Morgans
Ben C wishes Max the best birthday ever! And he's so sorry he can't be there, but he'll be there in spirit.
I'm SO SORRY to hear about Max's numbers. I can't help but feel that I HAVE to be there for him...for his birthday. I just talked to Steve about everything...and I'm going to come shoot Max's party for an hour (that's my goal). Will have to discuss times with you.
Much love and hugs and happy birthday buddy!
Happy Birthday to MAX!!!!
Andy and Melissa,
The party sounds fabulous...but then again, we know what fabulous parents you are to Hannah, Max and Nicky.
We know how difficult it is to see the numbers. Please let us know how we can help your family.
Bob, Amy, Kevin, Shelley, and Angel Delaney
Happy Birthday, Max.
Remember that 7 is a lucky number :)
Happy Happy Happy Birthday sweet Max! Looks like it will be the best birthday ever! I am sending lots of love, and lots of hope, to you today and always!
Hugs...Ms. Weitz
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