Max went in for his MIBG scan this morning and there were spots all over the place. Spots = neuroblastoma.
His scan started with his head where I saw a V shaped spot enhanced. Text to Andy: "spot on his head" send. Then we go down to his check/back area where I see the original spot looking pretty good. Lightly enhanced, maybe a little smaller. Text that info to Andy. Move down to the abdomen/pelvic area. hmph, I've never noticed it being so enhanced in this area. Uh-oh, the tech is taking another picture of that area. Not good. Text info to Andy. Now we're at the legs and there's a vertical line on one thigh and a bright circular spot on one knee. Text to Andy. Response from Andy: F%*k F%*k F%*k. I concur.
So I'm sitting in the Nuc Med scan room, Max is watching a Seuss movie while going through the scanner, I'm staring at the computer screens with all this crap on them, and I'm trying my damnedest to keep it together while the tech, also named Melissa, is also trying not to lose it because she knows that I know what I'm seeing up there. She can't say anything as she's not a doctor - and not Max's doctor. Max is blissfully oblivious to the whole scene as Horton Hears a Who! is very entertaining.
After the scan Max & I had to walk over the clinic to drop off a urine sample, me fighting back tears the whole walk and Max pretending to be on a bear/deer/hare hunt with his new cap-rifle. All the nurses we see and know are in clinic and I just couldn't even tell them what I just saw because I knew I'd start crying and not be able to stop. So we hustled out of there and I took Max back to school. Max feels great right now, no apparent pain, aside from complaining about his mickey button in the evening.
We do not have the official results or reading from the radiologist yet. It will come sometime tomorrow. I think the shock of seeing the scans has worn off - a little - and I'm ready to hear what the plan will be to combat this invasion of Max's little body.

Max & Nicky in Idyllwild this past weekend running around shirtless outside, making owl hoots, in 50 degree weather. (that's freezy cold in So Cal, btw)
Max sportin' his new "real" cowboy hat courtesy Papa and the Pony Express Trading Post in Idyllwild.
He's one tough hombre.
We are praying, praying, praying---never, never, never give up!!!!
This is just another hurdle, just another battle and as you said in your post last week--100% alive--living life to the Max!!!
All warriors front and center--we've got this one--it doesn't have us!!!
Love and prayers--Randee
I just can't believe what I just read... I'm sick.... Praying for a plan that will kick this thing back again!!!
in prayer!!
rhonda dudley
I am without words... My heart hurts and like Shiho's post on your blog, I have to restrain myself everyday from scooping Max up and hugging him. If he comes home today with lipstick prints all over his bald little head, you'll know what happened! The fight continues... I am in your corner praying hard. xolisa
I can only echo Andy's text. But am hoping perhaps the technician had the screen set for a different resolution than usual. Please update soon with doctor's opinions and then again with a plan.
Live Life Large. . .To The Max!
We're thinking about you guys all the time. May give you a call soon.
Damn, and then some. Your strength, Melissa, overwhelms me as much as this latest news. As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you...Kristin B
There are no words... My heart is aching but we WILL win this battle
just as we did the ones before. Max has not fought this far to give up now. He is such a little trooper and passes on his courage to strengthen us. We have our prayer chains working over time and we will NEVER GIVE UP!!
Much love, Nana
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