
Digestion Problems Deux

We got a stool sample from Max last night (fun) and brought it into clinic today for testing. Turns out there was something there! Max will start some kind of antibiotic tomorrow and hopefully this will make his tummy all better! Crossing our fingers for the best!


Unknown said...


I am so happy that Max has/had a bug in his stomach. I have had a couple in my day, and antibiotics were a miracle cure.

It is so sad that none of us, including me (who as a prior bug sufferer should have thought of it) and especially the docs, even thought to test Max for a bug before this. All that physical suffering for Max and emotional suffering for you.

Andrew threw up a few days before his MRI, and of course, I thought the worst. Andrew's level headed doc pointed out that Andrew had a low grade fever the day before and was subject to catching viruses just like the rest of us.



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