In my mind it always seems so weird to me to hear about people who meet through the internet, and yet Andy & I have had the opportunity to meet strangers via the internet ourselves.
Take Pat Lacey, instance. Or the Brunskows. Wonderful people who shared a strong bond with us even before we met: neuroblastoma.
Today we had the honor of meeting in person the incomparable Vicki Buenger of Texas, mom to the Great Erin. We shared kid stories and talked NB shop for four hours.
As I try to write about our meeting I'm on the verge of tears, because honestly: I know her. Yes, this is the first time I've laid eyes on her. No - I've never even spoken to her on the phone before today. But there is an unseen, unexplained bond that I feel with her, with Pat (Dina one day soon!), with Paul & Nina - that we've been in battle together and will meet there again and again.
It's hard to explain the comfort I feel with these people. I think they know. I don't think I'm weird on this front. There is just a comfort, a knowing, an understanding that reaches well beyond needing to know someone for years. We've traveled the same parallel road for years. It doesn't seem to matter that our roads never actually intersected.
I know you.
Take Pat Lacey, instance. Or the Brunskows. Wonderful people who shared a strong bond with us even before we met: neuroblastoma.
Today we had the honor of meeting in person the incomparable Vicki Buenger of Texas, mom to the Great Erin. We shared kid stories and talked NB shop for four hours.
As I try to write about our meeting I'm on the verge of tears, because honestly: I know her. Yes, this is the first time I've laid eyes on her. No - I've never even spoken to her on the phone before today. But there is an unseen, unexplained bond that I feel with her, with Pat (Dina one day soon!), with Paul & Nina - that we've been in battle together and will meet there again and again.
It's hard to explain the comfort I feel with these people. I think they know. I don't think I'm weird on this front. There is just a comfort, a knowing, an understanding that reaches well beyond needing to know someone for years. We've traveled the same parallel road for years. It doesn't seem to matter that our roads never actually intersected.
I know you.
I absolutely agree. It's completely impossible to describe how the conversation picks up just like we were continuing a conversation that we started a few days ago, perhaps as if we had kids in the same school (I guess in a way Max and Erin did go to the same school) or some other regular thing in common.
See you next time.
There is nothing quite like the first time, after relapse, when the oncologist looks to you and asks 'what do you think?' when discussing the relapsed therapy options. When doctors go from telling you what to do to asking which impossible option YOU want to give your child is like nothing else on this earth. No one, not even up front NB parents, can know what this is like so when you find yourself here - and thanks to the internet - get to read, see, hear, and FEEL that you are not alone on this insane parental island from Hell there is no way to not feel that bond.
Sadly, there is yet even another place these parents find themselves and I'm sure a lot of my comments and complaints can cause some confusion and frustration to you both just as some things up front folks can say make me say 'they have no idea'. In spite of my petty complaints.... I am impossibly thankful for these friendship and connections because no one else (thankfully) can 'get it' and as much as I love people and company I'd rather spend my life alone than make another friend in this place where we all found one another.
I am so glad you have met and know these people who bring you comfort. It makes me happy to know that you are finding comfort, as I feel helpless and out of touch. Thinking of you and the family always as our house continues its constant full calendar and chaos. xo, shan
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