The first likely female president of the United States (don't believe me? read this) passed away from neuroblastoma today at the much too much early age of 11. As any of you who followed Erin's story via her parent's blog, her bright face was what you saw in the dictionary when you looked up the term "full of life". She also happened to to have her picture featured when you looked up "smart", "savvy", "worldly", "fun", "amazing", and "crafty". I am not being overly dramatic when I say that our country and our world lost someone great today. You just knew Erin would do amazing things for society.
And we're worried about saving GM....
I, too, thought Erin would be President. She will always be an inspiration as she did LIVE LIFE TO THE MAX. Perhaps sweet Max has just handed her a blue popsicle and a light saber... xolisa
Nothing i write seems strong enough to express how i feel. ok what do we need to do to stop this?
Dear little Erin. So sweet, so smart and way,way to young. Just like all the other children and it's so sad and so unfair. My heart aches.
Earlier this week I visited Erin's site for the very first time. Why? Im not sure but I remember thinking wow what a brave, spunky little girl...just like Max. Such very sad news.
I don't doubt that for a second. It's just not fair, Erin deserved a chance to live out her potential. She would have taken the world by storm and charmed everyone with that SMILE along the way....honestly, though, she has done more in her short life than most ever will. She has touched countless lives.
I am truly heart broken. Not too many days pass where I do not think of your precious Max. He touched my life so deeply and now he has another angel by his side. I thought Erin would live forever...surely someone, somehow had to beat this beast...thank God for your work as a cure MUST be found to stop cancer from stealing these beautiful children from their parents who love them so dearly.
I sure do hope Max has an extra light saber for her. She forgot to pack hers.
God definitely wanted a special angel and a friend for Max. Our world has lost 2 very special children. xo Linny
Dear Andy and Melis,
Thanks for sharing Erin's website with me. The video of her is so beautiful and sweet, and truly shows her joy, even during difficult times.
With love,
I don't think you could have said it any better. Her presidency definitely crossed my mind multiple times. Our country is truly missing out.
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