- My most recent Touch-A-Truck meetings have been joined by more new faces!
- A man emailed us last month with a request to allow him to give part of the proceeds from a ProAm golf tournament that he is producing to MROF.
- A friend told me her daughters were comparing throw-up stories and Max was prominently featured in the discussion (yes - we smile about his kind of stuff).
- A high school girl in Pasadena phoned to ask if it would be alright if she hosted a fundraiser at her school to benefit MROF.
- Last weekend one of the boys in our church family (Z-Dog) handed us an envelope with a note inside that said:
Dear Mikulak's,
I'm giving $15 to you for Max's Ring of Fire to help you prevent other kids from getting cancer and to support your events. Please take this money as an act of kindness from me to you.
- Lisa Sturt emailed this:
Last night I was at an event sitting next to a teacher who recently retired. She either worked at SP or Carmel Creek, I'm not sure which. I was relieved that we had little name plates to jolt my horrific memory as to her name. But she has a keen memory! After the usual hi-how-are-you's, she wanted to know how Max's family is doing. Know that Max and you are thought of even by people you don't know (and people whose names I can't remember!). We talked a bit about Max and soon she had tears. He was pretty incredible! To think of the impact he has on people to this day...people he never even saw. He was/is a gift!Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your kind thoughts and letting us know that you think about our boy, too. From Halloween to New Years, it's more of a struggle to be without one of our kids and it means the world to know he's not forgotten, but remembered fondly and frequently.
I took this from an angel parents' facebook post:
If you know someone who has lost a child, and you're afraid to mention the child because you think you might make them sad by reminding them that they died - you're not reminding them. They didn't forget they died. What you're reminding them of is that you remembered that the child lived, and that is a great gift.
Max's is not forgotten, Penelope is not forgotten, Sam is not forgotten and sadly the list goes on. All of these beautiful children left their own reminders and they will always be remembered.
We think about Max all the time. Now our Max is even old enough (5.5) to know about Max from San Diego. We still have our live life to the Max bracelets on- we have never taken them off actually. They are faded and stretched but are a constant reminder of your boy and all of the beautiful lives taken by cancer. And the spirit in which we must embrace life in honor of those who never had the chance to live it fully. I am sure the holidays feel not right without Max's presence. I hope you continue to find blessings all around you as you have done this year.
The Palmers
I live on the other coast. I never met Max. I know him from your words and pictures and prayed for him (and Christi and Sam and Penelope and Jack and Lucas and on and on) while they were in the fight and I remember them now that they are angels. He is not forgotten!!
I knew Max. I know how much we miss that spunky boy. I know how loved he IS. I know what an impact he made and continues to make on so many people, people who never even "knew" Max. I love Max and I love his beautiful family!
When we received your Xmas card with Max's name on it, Kent asked where Max is in the picture. When I pointed out the rocket, his face showed a mixed expression with "oh...." I think he was both disappointed and happy. Disappointed that Max wasn't back and happy because he was with the family in another form.
I have made it my obligation to make sure that Kent will never forget about Max and that whenever he faces challenge or goes through tough times in his life, he will always think about Max and how he fought his battle bravely. A surely high standard to live up to.
Hi Melissa,
Just to let you know that quote was from Elizabeth Edwards...it wasn't mine. The quote was so long I split it into two sections and posted part of it in the comments section. Elizabeth lost her son Wade in 1996 in a car accident. I am glad you are finding some holiday blessings. I think of Max often and whenever I look at his photo, I smile. I hope the blessings keep coming...thinking of your family and little Max now and always, with fond regard, Diane
For sure, your little man Max is forever a blessing to me! Not sure how I found him in the big cloud of the of the internet, but I am blessed. Thank you for sharing your family's story of love and family, pain, and loss...as a result, I vow to do more, live fully.
Shirley, NJ
I think about and talk about Max so often. Just this morning I was telling someone about Max and his family and how incredibly brave and courageous they are. I guess I should tell you, too! Max's picture is next to my computer at home and on my screen saver at work-he reminds me everyday to live that day and look past the challenges. Max is a gift-he continues to leave his mark on us and remind us to keep moving forward.
PS There is an incredible empty space that Max filled here; a saddness in missing him but I know when I get to heaven I will see him again. He will live forever in our hearts and in heaven with Penelope and Sam and Lucas and all the other angels. Jesus is watching over them and helping us through.
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